Maybe you found out your local big box store has sold out of your child’s costume of choice, or you just learned there will be shipping delays due to the current supply chain crisis. Add in the ubiquity of horror movies and scary shows, and you have a witch’s brew of stress and anxiety for parents and kids.
We have some tips to help children and parents enjoy a stress-free Halloween this year.
#1. Turn off those Terrifying Movies
Halloween, The Ring, Nightmare on Elm Street, Pet Sematary, Friday the 13th. These and other scary Halloween movies can give kids, especially young ones, bad dreams and create anxiety. Instead, choose different movies or programs that aren’t scary and that your family can enjoy together.
#2. Avoid Scary Decorations
Perhaps the house up the street has been taken over by zombies, skeletons or aliens. If such sightings make your child fearful, avoid taking your little one to houses decorated with scary props.
#3. Limit Trick-or-Treat Sweets
While sugar keys kids up, it can also tank their moods and immune system. It’s a good idea to limit how many pieces of candy your child eats after all that trick-or-treating. You may also want to donate some candy to your local food pantry, homeless shelter or other local charity.
#4. Find a Halloween Alternative
If your child doesn’t like the idea of trick-or-treating, consider having a costume party at your home or seeing if your community has any harvest-type celebrations that don’t feature scary images. Other alternatives are a pumpkin-carving party or apple picking at a local orchard.
#5. Get Adjusted
One of the best ways to relieve stress is, of course, the chiropractic adjustment. By removing interference in the nervous system, kids can feel less stressed and pardon the pun—better adjusted.