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First Trimester Tips: Focus on Your Movement

couple makes heart on pregnant bellyAs your body grows and changes in your first trimester, from your muscles to your joints and all spaces in between, you may notice that daily living activities—like getting in and out of the car, getting on and off the toilet, taking a walk, or your gentle workouts—have pain or discomfort associated with them. This doesn’t have to be your new norm, and holistic care methods can help.

Additionally, if you’ve come into pregnancy with problems like hip pain, headaches, or a lower back issue, the first trimester is the perfect time to visit the team at Clear Chiropractic for adjustments or referrals for bodywork.

Changes Your Body Experiences

As the hormone relaxin builds in your body during the first trimester, it loosens and relaxes the muscles, joints and ligaments, preparing your body for the big stretch. It also helps loosen the muscles and ligaments in your pelvis. As your belly grows, your center of gravity starts to shift, and that puts a greater demand on your entire system.

If you aren’t able to move pain-free in the beginning of the pregnancy, more than likely movement will become problematic toward the end of pregnancy.

Improving Mobility for Better Birthing Choices

When you have full mobility within your body, it opens you to many options for labor. It doesn’t matter how you envision yourself laboring, giving birth, and your recovery, but feeling good in your body with good mobility gives you the most options for using different positions to cope with pain.

It’s safe to start working toward improved mobility in the first trimester, and modalities like massage, chiropractic care and acupuncture can be used to keep your body pain-free and improve the mobility in your muscles, tendons, and joints. There are many safe and gentle ways to use bodywork on pregnant women that do not cause any harm or discomfort to baby..

A Care Plan for Your Whole Pregnancy

A big part of improving your mobility in the first trimester is finding the right support team. Once you have the right practitioners in place – including your prenatal Chiropractor – be sure to continue visits regularly throughout your pregnancy to achieve the best results.

Call us today to see how the team at Clear Chiropractic can help you improve your mobility in pregnancy!

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